Some tips for writing proper emails | 2 Jul 2012 ... Thank you for your kind cooperation. -- If you ask the reader for help. Thank you for your attention to the matter. Thank you for your ...
精華文章新聞- 十種電子郵件表達"感謝"之意的方式- 英語新聞/電子報 ... You'll find that some kind words combined with sincere appreciation of their efforts will go a long way. ... Thank you for your attention to this matter. 與上面一個 ... Bauerfeind GenuTrain S Knee Support: Sports & Outdoors This is definitely worth it. The engineering behind this brace means it stays tight to the back of your knee thru the full range of motion. Its much better than all the other neoprene basic braces out there. Its a sleeve with bars in it to keep your knee
Sponsors: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR KIND SUPPORT ... This web site provides information on the 2012 English Speech Contest hosted by Rotary Club of Taipei, as a part of its community services.
Make a donation to Truthout! - Truthout | Fearless, Independent News and Opinion Truthout is 100% independent media - we don't take corporate money or ads. Instead, we rely on reader support. ... How would you like to give? Thank you for your decision to support Truthout’s work. To get started with your donation, please choose a payme
'Kind' or 'kindly'? - Topic - your new Web Site! The phrase is more commonly "kind support," so the sentence would be: Thank you for your kind support. ______ "Kindly," as you know, can be ...
We have received many words of thank you from people - European ... Thank you for your courteous sympathy and support. I appreciate ... Thank you very much for your kind concern and support for all of the Tohoku area which has ...
Thank you for your support always. - WordReference Forums Hi everyone, I would like to ask about the following sentences. 1. Thank you for your support always. 2. Thank you for your support, always. 3.
We thank you for your kind support for accepting ... - Thomson Press We thank you for your kind support for accepting the challenge to deliver the job within the desired time lines, though it was next to impossible to produce the job ...
Thank you for your kind support as usual.是什么意思_Thank ... - 海词 海词词典,最权威的学习词典,为您提供Thank you for your kind support as usual.的 在线翻译,Thank you for your kind support as usual.是什么意思,Thank you for ...